All Categories

DIY Electronics

Do It Yourself with Electronics!
6,877 Projects |
146,144 Source Files


Arduino is an open source embedded hardware platform for users to make interactive embedded projects.
3,351 Projects |
57,424 Source Files

Computers & USB

USB is a serial bus standard for connecting computer systems with external devices, which is widely used in information communication products such as personal computers and mobile devices.
1,332 Projects |
42,236 Source Files


A general term for all kinds of physical devices in a computer system, which are composed of electronic, mechanical and photoelectric elements.
2,220 Projects |
41,877 Source Files


Build better audio equipments.
1,409 Projects |
37,428 Source Files

Retro Stuffs

Retro-style is a style that human beings imitate or consciously reproduce the lifestyle, trends or artistic forms in history.
561 Projects |
15,078 Source Files

LED Displays & Matrices

"Dot Matrix" is an unique category of LED Displays and also found in LCD and OLED products.
693 Projects |
14,135 Source Files

Breakout Board Projects

Breakout boards take small sensors, chips and components and make them easy to use with your Raspberry Pi, Metro, Feather, Arduino or whatever platform you like most!
1,085 Projects |
11,232 Source Files

Home Automation

Home automation refers to building automation in the home, also known as smart home. Home automation system can control lights, windows, temperature and humidity, etc.
709 Projects |
10,463 Source Files
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