An Ultrasonic Range Finder Using an SRF05 and an ATTiny85

By Hesam Moshiri, Anson BaoAn ultrasonic range finder is a useful tool in a variety of real-life and robotic applications, such as in obstacle avoidance and distance measurement systems. The ultrasoni...

SRF05 ATTiny85

PCBWay TV Show 05 Cool DIY Game Gadgets

Now mobile games and e-sports games occupy a large part of the market. But there is always a group of people who like nostalgic consoles and retro games, and it even has become a kind of game culture....

game gadgets tetris game led game ATtiny85 digital pet gameboy retro pie gaming console commodore 64

Ranking Name Answers
1 PCBWay Team 6
2 Jack Durie 2
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